So this is where you find out who the male enhancement wolf is, how I got the name and a bit about my background. I will also let you know why I have built this review site.
My name is Edward Hewett and I’ve been searching for and reviewing male enhancement products for what feels like for ever but its only around six years.
Table of Contents
Why am I called the Male Enhancement Wolf?
This is the name that has been a nickname that was given to me from my fiancee and it has just stuck. The main reason she calls me this is because I’m always testing or trying out new male enhancement products and there is often deliveries in the post.
She has told me when my libido is high i’m like a wolf!
My fiancee is fine with it and actually male enhancement has been a huge part of making our relationship stronger which I am thankful for.
My Background
I Live in the United Kingdom from a place Called Essex In the South East of England.
I work for an agency as an Extra on TV shows and some pretty popular films. Such as the Iron Lady, Star Wars, Eastenders, The Avengers and much more.
I always thought I would be a famous actor but this was as far as I have got with my acting career which is fine with me.
- I love playing Golf,
- Socialising With The Lads,
- Fishing,
- Skiing,
- Spending time with my beautiful fiancee.
Why Have I Made This Blog?
I have build this male enhancement review site to give you the truth about these products that work and i will also tell you about the products that arent so good.
I have written this blog so you are not getting conned into wasting your money on products that don’t work.
How Did I learn About Nutrition?
At first I was looking at other websites to find out about supplement ingredients. This was ok but there was so many different things being said on different websites I didn’t know who to believe.
This is when I looked at doing an NVQ which is now called a RQF in nutrition. That is exactly what I did.
I signed my self up obviously I had to pay for this but I was hungry to get the knowledge to back up my research. I ended up doing a Nutrition and Health Award Level 2 RQF I learned a lot.
It took me a year to complete the courses and I’m glad I did it. I mostly learned about how food can change your life but also got deep into all sorts of synthetic and natural herbal nutrients.
My Male Enhancement Reviews
If your ready to start reading you can start on my home page about the different Real reviews on real Products.