The male enhancement pill industry is booming with the market leaders that produce viagra making around 2 billion dollars per year. There is no surprise that male enhancement pills are becoming a more popular and healthier choice.
Did you know that there were over 500 different brands of male enhancement pills developed and sold this year. After knowing that fact there is no surprise thats its not an easy task to find which brands of these natural sex pills are going to be the best choice.
I’m guessing that your searching online for a little bit of positive help at improving your sex life just like I have done in the past.
These types of pills are excellent for a boost in erectile function and can help increase your libido, Stamina, control, and overall sexual satisfaction.
Today I’m going to be talking about three of the best mens sex pills without side effects that are available for sale online today.
There are thousands of different brands of these types of male enhancement pills for sale these days and I can assure you I have not tried them all. There may be a better male enhancement pill out there that I’m yet to try but I will be sure to update my top 3 list if I find any that are better.
I have put this top 3 list together from using around 60 different brands of these male enhancement pills over the last 6 years.
You have just found out what my top 3 best male enhancement pills are! Below i’m going to explain why these 3 supplements are amazing in their own way and exactly why I have included them in my top rated.
First I want to explain to you why I prefer the Natural male enhancement pill option.
Table of Contents
Why Do I Prefer These Natural Pills Compared To Synthetic Prescription ED pills.
Obviously pharmacy grade viagra is available to anyone that is having any number of sexual problems but there are risks that come with them. This is when these natural sex pills are the perfect solution because the right supplement will work perfectly and won’t give you any added side effects and these male enhancement pills are good for your health with no long term downsides.
My health was the main reason I started using these natural male enhancement solutions; I can tell you guys now I have never looked back.
These Are My Top 3 Recommended Male Enhancement Pills That Will Change Your Sex Life For Good.

#1 Max Performer
There is no doubt that Max Performer should not be my top rated supplement it is by far the best male enhancement pill I have ever used.
I have researched many supplements just like this in the past and when I did my research on this pill I was happy with the Information I found.
The ingredients were strong in dosages and looked to me like an excellent variety I could see that this pill had potential right from the first time I found it.
The first time I used Max Performer I took it daily for three months I am going to be talking about how the three months went for me and talk about my experience.
The Company
The company that have developed this product is called Silver Blade Nutrition this is the only product that they currently produce but its a great one.
Silver Blade Nutrition say that their pill will give you some excellent result’s when taking daily such as…
A Bigger, Harder and Stronger Erection.
Boosted libido and sexual desire.
Heightened sexual performance and increased sexual stamina.
Stronger and more powerful orgasms.
More sex = More love and more fun.
The advantages when using this male performance pill are really good but don’t get me wrong there are negatives as well there is no pill that is a magic solution.
- 100 day 100% money back guarantee.
- High strength potent ingredients.
- 95% Success rate for boosting erection quality In all men.
- Scientifically backed main ingredients.
- Almost every review on this product is very positive.
- Fairly expensive.
- Not an instant solution this product has to be taken daily and can take up to a week to start to work.
The ingredients that are included in max performer are all natural ingredients with the exception of one that is made synthetically in a lab and that is Vitamin B12.
All of the ingredients that make up this supplement are there for a good reason some increase libido, blood flow and erections some boost testosterone levels and lift your energy levels.
- Vitamin B12
- Korean Red Ginseng
- Horny Goat Weed
- Maca
- Cordyceps
- Selenium
- Bioperine
- Zinc
If you want to find out more about the ingredients included in Max Performer then you can read my Max performer Ingredients here. there you can find the list in more detail and an explanation of what each nutrient is for.
How To Use This Supplement
With this pill you are recommended to take two pills per day. Silver Blade Nutrition say to take one in the morning with or before eating and the next with dinner. Silver Blade also say to have a 1-2 week break from the supplement every few months so your body doesn’t build up a tolerance to the supplement and the effects get weaker.
Max Performer Benefits
I found when using Max Performer daily for three months that this pill is concentrated on Erectile Improvement and is perfect for boosting your sex drive.
This pill took around 4 days to start to improve my erections and I recommend using this pill for at least 2-3 months for the real benefits. I found the results get stronger the longer you take it.
You can find out more in my Max Performer Review Here.
Alternatively you can skip to buying Max Performer…
Click Here For The BEST Deal On Any Max Performer Order

#2 Male Extra
I first tried this supplement before they changed the formula and even before it was very good.
Don’t think that just because this supplement is number #2 it isn’t as good it’s just as good as the first choice it’s just different.
I took Male Extra for three months and in my review i’m going to be talking about my experience. I’m going to be reviewing the new improved formula which is even better than the first Male Extra formula that I tried.
The developers of this product are called Wolfsonburg LTD and this is not their only supplement they have many others and they are experienced in producing great supplements.
Wolfsonburg LTD say that you will get the following results from taking this supplement daily…
A bigger, harder and longer erection,
A Huge Increase In stamina and energy,
And Better Sexual Performance.
So these are the main benefits of using this pill but like every supplement its has its drawbacks.
- FDA Approved,
- 60 Day no quibble money back guarantee with the larger orders,
- Unique formula of natural and safe nutrients,
- Scientifically backed Ingredients,
- Around 70% of guys re-order after their first order.
- This Pill starts to work very quickly for a daily supplement.
- This is not an instant solution this is another supplement that must be taken daily for the results.
- When you stop taking this pill the results do gradually wear off.
- Can be expensive especially if you buy 1 month supplies.
- Some people can be allergic to L-arginine.
The Included ingredients that are used in the formula of this pill are proven for boosting blood flow heart health. Some of the nutrients are excellent for increasing athletic performance and stamina.
There is also some great testosterone boosting nutrients for stronger orgasms and a higher libido.
- L-arginine,
- Pomegranate extract,
- MSM,
- L-Methionine,
- Zinc,
- Cordyceps,
- Niacin.
If you want to find out more about the ingredients in this sex pill you can get more detail and a breakdown for what each nutrient is included for in my Male Extra Ingredients Here.
How To To Use This Supplement
When supplementing with this pill Wolfsonburg say that it is recommended that you take three capsules per day and spread them over the course of the day for the best results.
They also recommend a week to two week break from the supplement every 3 months.
Male Extra Benefits
After I used this pill daily for three months I was surprised with the results. I found that the main benefits for this pill were a huge boost in energy and athletic performance. This supplement is another excellent erection pill that gives the user a much stronger erection.
My penis was actually slightly larger while using this pill but after I stopped taking it it went back to normal size. This is the best thing you can get to a penis enlargement pill.
The best benefit is this pill is actually good for your health thats right this pill improves your health!
I found that this pill actually was the fastest working supplement I have used. I started noticing changes after just the first few days of taking this pill.
For more detail go to my Male Extra Review Click Here for more info.
Or if you have heard enough and want to buy this supplement see below…
Click Here To Buy Male Extra For The Best Price
#3 VigRX Plus

As you can see here written on the front of the VigRX Plus box it says its the world’s leading product for male enhancement and they are not wrong! This pill is the best selling brand of male enhancement pill that I have ever found.
I also used this male supplement for 3 months and In my review I will be talking about my experience.
This is the new improved formula of VigRX-Plus which is almost the same as the previous formula but with stronger ingredients. The new formula has bioperine added to help speed up the breakdown of nutrients in your body. Bioperine helps the pill to work 30% faster and is a lot more efficient.
This male enhancement pill is another excellent erection booster this is the best all rounder giving you better stamina, control, sexual performance, boosted testosterone increasing libido and semen volume for stronger ejaculations.
The thing about this male enhancement pill is that it is very expensive which lets it down this is the most expensive sex pill i’ve ever bought.
The company that has developed this supplement is a large well established company known as Leading Edge Health. Leading Edge Health has many different types of health and dietary supplements and male enhancement pills and this is their best selling pill by far.
This company Says that you will get the following benefits from using this supplement…
The Ability to penetrate your partner,
Sexual satisfaction,
A boost is sex drive and sexual desire,
The ability to gain and maintain a solid erection,
More Frequent better quality orgasms.
- This supplement is doctor endorsed.
- This pill has undergone medical trials and a huge 90% of the guys on the trials carried on using this pill after the trial had ended.
- 67 Day Money back If your not satisfied offered with the larger orders.
- Clinically proven to give you excellent results.
- Natural Ingredients
- This product is very expensive.
- This is still a daily supplement that takes time to work the recommended time to take this pill is 3-6 months for the best results.
- Effects wear off after you stop taking this supplement.
- Do not Exceed recommended dose high dosages of Damiana can give some bad side effects.
There are many proven ingredients in this male enhancement pill natural and proven to work at improving sexual performance the ingredients are as follows…
- Saw Palmetto Berry
- Hawthorne Berry
- Damiana
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Korean Red Ginseng
- Catuaba
- Murira Puama
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Cuscuta
- Epimedium
- Bioperine
If you want to look at the ingredients in more detail head over to VigRX Plus Ingredients. There you will find each ingredient in more detail and an explanation of how it works.
How To Use This Supplement
The instructions when supplementing with vigrx plus are simple two pills a day should be taken do not exceed the dosage. Leading Edge Health recommend one to two week break every 3 months.
VigRX Plus Benefits
I used Vigrx Plus daily for 3 months to test out this male enhancement pill. The Results from my trial were better than I could have expected This is the best pill for many reasons it improved my erections, my stamina, my performance and control and also made my orgasms more satisfying.
VigRx plus is the best vegetarian or vegan option that still offers excellent results this is because the formula is completely plant based.
If you are looking for a supplement that is great for all of these results then this is an excellent buy.
This is another pill with no side effects and is good for your health.
If you would like to find out more about Vigrx Plus then you can go to my Vigrx Plus Review Click Here.
If you have made a decision and want to try a risk free 67 day trial of this pill you can..
Click Here To Buy VigRX Plus At The Official Website.
What Results You Should Expect In A Great Male Enhancement Pill
The main aim of these male supplements is for the nutrients to build up in your system and give you better sexual performance. You can use these for giving you a better and more fruitful sex life.
These supplements can give guys a harder erection, they can completely turn around your low libido and help with a better sexual experience!
Some Tips & Advise If You Are Buying Male Enhancement Pills Online
If you are buying products online then you need to have some idea of the risks you are taking. I am going to teach you how to avoid scams and how to find the genuine products at the best prices.
There is unfortunately a few different online scams to look out for when buying male enhancement pills online here are the different things to look out for…
Fake Products

There are people out there that produce products that look similar to the real thing but they are not the real deal they are cheap knock off products and they don’t work. If you are buying from the official websites or established retailers/shops you are safe but if you buy them elsewhere you may be at risk. All of my links are from genuine websites for the real products.
This is a real problem and can give products a bad name. Max Performer and Male Extra only sell their pills from the official sites to try and stop this.
I recommend buying these kinds of products from the official websites so you don’t get caught out.
Don’t Unintentionally sign up for Free Trials
If you see that these male enhancement pills are advertised as free they are more than likely signing you up to a free first month and then you will be stuck in a re-buy each month. These are very hard to get out of and normally you will have to cancel your bank card to stop it from billing you and taking money from your account each month.
Just think before you sign up to a free trial and think if its free why do they need bank details.
Look For A Contact Page On A Website
Normally online scammers do not have any contact page or contact details. This way it makes it impossible to contact them after you have bought anything.
No contact details = Don’t buy from them.
Does The Website Look Full Of Spam?
If the website is spammy full of adds and spammy links I would stay well clear its more than likely that its up to no good. Search engines are pretty good at removing spam these days but the odd bit gets through.
Spammy website = Not safe!
Companies That Massively Exaggerate Results
This was one of the main reasons I stared reviewing male enhancement so that guys could actually look at a website and feel safe taking someones advise rather than being unsure if the product they are buying is even any good.
There are many different brands and supplement companys making ridiculus claims.
If something sounds to good to be true it probably is.
These are the main scams to look out for I just want you to be aware of them and think before your purchase.
Here Are A Few Other Male Enhancement Pills I have Tested And Reviewed
These male enhancement pills are still great and work well for male sexual enhancement if you want more of a variety check out my reviews.