Oh man this is one of the worst situations to be in where you are probably second guessing yourself…
Am I not good Enough anymore?
Is she cheating on me?
Is My Dick not big enough for her?
They may be many reasons why things are not working in but normally it is the way this situation is approached.
Trust me guys I have been there! There are so many different reasons why you girlfriend might mot want to have sex. I am going to go through them to help you work out what the problem is…
Table of Contents
Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Doesn’t Want Sex
Ok in any relationship there is normally always one partner in the relationship that has a higher sex drive. It could be either of you.
#1 Libido & Sex Drive
Libido is unfortunately just not the same in every person and this can cause relationship issues. There are many ways to up libido in males and females and it is not always a problem it is just that everyone is different.
This mismatch in sex drives will commonly lead to arguments. If it does try not to approach this in an angry or horrible way because it can make things even worse.
One of the most popular things that happen in a relationship like this is the person who has the higher sex drive stops asking for sex and it stops completely. This is because constant rejection is not nice and hurts.
This will make the other partner shut down because of fear or worry there is something wrong.
The best way to deal with this is to be direct and talk about things and you can both together look for a way to change things so it works out.
You can try these libido enhancers for men and women they are natural solutions and I have found they are a great help for boosting libido in men and women.
#2 Stress Or Big Changes In Your Lives
High stress levels might be the reason that your girlfriends sex drive has faded. Things like having a lot on their mind, big future plans like moving house or planning something big. This extra stress will cause a drop in libido for females.
#3 She’s Just Doesn’t Feel The Same About You Any More
This can be a big reason your sex life has gone down the pan and the harsh truth is that you might not want to believe it. She is possibly done with your relationship and instead of telling you she is trying to push you away like this. This is cruel and not fair in my opinion and would rather speak about things and have the truth you will only get the truth is you calmly sit down and chat with your girl.
#4 You Cum Too Fast
This is a frustrating reason because it is so common in men and females are obviously not going to like it. If you are blowing your load every time you just got her in the mood there is no wonder why she can’t be bothered to have sex with you anymore.
There is easy ways to overcome this one and that is foreplay. I mean really take your time warming her up with your fingers, tongue and sex toys. Dont rush because she needs to orgasm as much as you.
#5 She’s Having An Affair
In this day an age affairs happen more often than when our parents were younger. The sad truth is that if she is having an affair why would you want to be with her anyway. She has no resect for you and doesn’t care don’t give her any more of your time its a waste of life!!
If you think this is the case you might be able to tell by watching how she reacts if you ask her calmly. Is she on her phone all the time and hides it from you. Is she always out and you have no idea where she is. Normally if you have a strong gut feeling you are close to the answer trust your gut.
#6 Your Dick Doesn’t Get Hard Enough
Erectile dysfunction or mild erectile dysfunction is a relationship killer. It no surprise she has gone off sex when you are pressing a half soft dick into your girl! This is not going to be satisfying, or feel good for her.
There are many ways to get a better erection and we have found some excellent natural male pills that can get your erections hard again.
#7 Your Dick Is Too Small
Many men think this but it is rarely true. The average size penis for a man is 5 inches. This is when Your penis is erect and is only an average. If you feel your penis is too small you may want to try and look at some natural ways to increase penis size.
#8 She Just Had A Baby
This can be a perfect reason why your girlfriend has gone off sex. Having a baby is a huge life change for both partners. For the woman it is different because their hormones after childbirth are all over the place.
Wait for thing to settle down and you will probably be just fine.
#9 Your Being Too Nice
You won’t believe this but being too nice to her can actually put her off you crazy I know. She wants a challenge and someone that has their own opinions not a yes man. Dont do nice things for her just so you can have sex because she will realise this and use sex as a weapon against you.
#10 Your Not Paying Attention Too Her Unless You Want Sex
I have seen this one too so many men don’t give their girl the time of day unless they have sex.
This is going to become a thing and she will realise I promise you. Hug her kiss her do nice things for her even when your are not going to have sex. This will lead to a healthy relationship.
Information Sources – [Healthguide.org]
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